"What can we do?" and "We need solutions!" began to be heard at the table. After various solutions were suggested, I exclaimed, "What you're asking is for people to stop being motivated by greed."
That's what it comes down to. Politicians want to be re-elected above representing the people. Corporations want more revenue. People want lower prices for more stuff.
How did we end the evening? We hugged good-bye, knowing we'd meet again, each of us praying our economy would get better.
All of the problems, rooted in greed will take a long time to remedy, and would require major changes in the political and economic system. Hart and I have been talking and we realize we have to think small and let it grow. What is something small all of us can do to help? Buy USA. If people would purchase only American made products, our money would stay in America. It would strengthen our economy. Sounds easy, but have you looked at where the dress you bought was made? What about the strawberries you bought in December? The flounder you purchased at the grocery store? Chances are it wasn't the USA but China, Thailand or Mexico. My husband gave me a lovely, black, wool Calvin Klein coat for my birthday two years ago. Where was it made? China.
I can remember when quality was a major factor when shopping. How was the dress stitched? Would the furniture last, was it wood vs. plastic? Greed has made us prefer quantity over quality. Each of us has to step back and ask ourselves why we want to purchase this particular item. Find out where it was manufactured. Buy locally when to comes to food. Strawberries are in season in NC in May, not December. Support our American companies. Write them and thank them for staying in the US. And also while you have that pen out or email up, compose a letter to Wal-Mart. Ask them to return to the values of Sam Walton when Made in the USA was something to be proud of.
Check out our Facebook page and blog for lists of American companies and ways to boost our economy.
(coming soon)
The French would say, never strawberries in winter, never leeks in summer. I think this is important though and true.